Tag: AIW Press
Cover Reveal – Unknown Reasons
AIW Press announces the cover for Unknown Reasons. If you can’t stand the heat… Rachel Jackson hails from one of Driscoll Lake’s wealthiest families. Like her father, she became a doctor and is now a respected physician. But despite her successful career, Rachel feels something is missing from her life—until…
Cover Reveal – Unseen Motives
AIW Press is proud to reveal a new cover for Unseen Motives. Things aren’t always as they seem… Stephanie Harris is no stranger to mystery and suspense. The author of several best-selling thrillers returns to her hometown of Driscoll Lake twenty years after her father’s suicide when her great-aunt Helen…
AIW Anthologies
Unless you are like Harper Lee, who had only one highly successful novel published until a few months before her death, authors need a number of publications before people begin to notice their work. This is what is known as building your backlist. Your backlist doesn’t necessarily have to be…
Publisher Style Guides
When we’re talking about style guides, there are some clear, global rules that all writers know (or should know) and adhere to. For example: Submissions are sent with a cover page. Documents are formatted to be 1-inch margins, 12-point size, Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Synopses should only introduce main characters,…
Book Release: Quantum Wanderlust
Professional Editing (Part One)
This article is the first of a two-part series on the importance of using a professional editor. I’ll post the second part in late September. Self-editing, beta readers, and critique partners or groups are all an important aspect of the writing process. Each step has its own benefits. Some writers…
A Pre-Submission Checklist
We’ve been talking a lot about story submissions, but we never really stopped to discuss all the things you need to consider in general terms. I thought it might be nice to provide you with a checklist so you have no questions about whether your T’s are crossed and I’s…
Author Wendy Taylor on Fox and Friends
We are proud to announce Wendy Taylor, author of the memoir Undefeated: A War Widow’s Story of Faith and Survival, had the opportunity to discuss her new book on Fox and Friends on Monday, August 14, 2017. Wendy talked with guest anchor Abby Huntsman about life as a military wife, coping with…
What’s In A Name?
Cover Reveal – Unknown Reasons

AIW Press announces the cover for Unknown Reasons. If you can’t stand the heat… Rachel Jackson hails from one of Driscoll Lake’s wealthiest families. Like her father, she became a doctor and is now a respected physician. But despite her successful career, Rachel feels something is missing from her life—until…
Cover Reveal – Unseen Motives

AIW Press is proud to reveal a new cover for Unseen Motives. Things aren’t always as they seem… Stephanie Harris is no stranger to mystery and suspense. The author of several best-selling thrillers returns to her hometown of Driscoll Lake twenty years after her father’s suicide when her great-aunt Helen…
AIW Anthologies
Unless you are like Harper Lee, who had only one highly successful novel published until a few months before her death, authors need a number of publications before people begin to notice their work. This is what is known as building your backlist. Your backlist doesn’t necessarily have to be…
Publisher Style Guides

When we’re talking about style guides, there are some clear, global rules that all writers know (or should know) and adhere to. For example: Submissions are sent with a cover page. Documents are formatted to be 1-inch margins, 12-point size, Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Synopses should only introduce main characters,…
Book Release: Quantum Wanderlust
Professional Editing (Part One)
This article is the first of a two-part series on the importance of using a professional editor. I’ll post the second part in late September. Self-editing, beta readers, and critique partners or groups are all an important aspect of the writing process. Each step has its own benefits. Some writers…
A Pre-Submission Checklist
We’ve been talking a lot about story submissions, but we never really stopped to discuss all the things you need to consider in general terms. I thought it might be nice to provide you with a checklist so you have no questions about whether your T’s are crossed and I’s…
Author Wendy Taylor on Fox and Friends
We are proud to announce Wendy Taylor, author of the memoir Undefeated: A War Widow’s Story of Faith and Survival, had the opportunity to discuss her new book on Fox and Friends on Monday, August 14, 2017. Wendy talked with guest anchor Abby Huntsman about life as a military wife, coping with…